Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today a group of us Calvin kids tried to climb Montgo. We met at the university that we study at, the UNED (universidad de educaciOn a distancia), and then we started the hike. We knew that the forecast said something about rain and clouds, but we didn't pay much attention. We hiked up the mountain to about one third of the height of the whole thing, and stopped at a cave that had been used for a source of freshwater in the distant past. There were a bunch of Roman numerals and Latin words etched into the side of the cave at one point. Pretty interesting, but I have no idea what it said. After the cave, we decided to head back down because it looked pretty angry and dark outside, and we didn't want to be stuck on a mountain during a raging rainstorm. We headed back down and stopped at a hermitage of the patron saint of Denia (I think), la virgen de los desamparados. (virgin of the helpless). It turns out that it didn't rain at all today, but we wouldn't have been able to see very well from the top anyways. We probably got up about 250 or 300 of the 700 meter climb...Maybe the next weekend that we have free. In a week we are going to Barcelona and Tarragona, and professor Bierling has been telling us scary stories of how she and her husband have been mugged and robbed. I'm excited to see how that weekend will be; Barcelona is a great city from what we have read and studied in class. Exams for our January class are this wednesday, so we have to study vosotros forms, spanish political and physical geography, and spanish literature...We are all looking forward to Barcelona as a good break before the new classes start.

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