Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cell Phones and Tutoring

Eighteen of the twenty-five Calvin students managed to get cellphones today, which will be a huge help for us with respect for planning and coordinating meetings and such. I have this tiny little LG phone now with limited minutes, but it won't be a problem because I'm only using the phone to call people in our group. Professor Bierling told us in class today that our travel agent wanted someone to tutor his two kids in english, and since I was the first volunteer she brought me to the travel agency to meet the man and his wife and his two kids. Most mondays I will be meeting with Jaime Jr. and his little brother, and I am supposed to speak in english with them. I'm not sure what level they are at, but hopefully we can get past hand gestures and have some conversations. Two hours is a long time if no communication is taking place other than hand motions...

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