Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept. 11 in Spain

I just watched a Spanish television program that featured a Spanish man interviewing Muslims in Spain. The interviews were all quite provocative, but the last interview was somewhat chilling. The interviewer found a man who had been jailed in Guantanamo, and asked him about the experience. The Muslim man responded that it was an awful, unforgettable experience and that he didn't want to talk about it. The interviewer went on to ask the man if he hated Westerners in general, and he said "no, just Americans." As the interview went on, they asked him what he did for work, and he said that he didn't work, but just lived with his family in Torrejon de Ardoz...That's where I live! He said he couldn't sleep and walked the streets of Torrejon all night...What a creepy thing to see on TV on the 10th anniversary of September 11. It's weird seeing how Spanish TV likes to separate Spain from the US when the US is seen in a negative light. That's what I call a fair weather friend.


  1. Yikes! That is creepy thinking about him wandering the streets at night. Be careful! Missing you...

  2. Man. Hear this word from Psalm 41 : "God looks after us all, makes us robust with life - Lucky to be in the land, we're free from enemy worries." Nation states find their hope in airport security, police, and their defense departments. We can look deeper.

  3. that's right. bureaucratic elements of government all point to our desire to control our surroundings through government regulations. this is rooted in our desire for control. in the end, God is in control and we have to recognize that or turn to human contrivances which will never fail to disappoint us.
