Monday, March 1, 2010


This weekend we heading off on our Esteve bus to the small mountain village of Benimaurell, about an hour inland from Denia. We stayed in an old hostel that, along with the rest of the village, was old and quaint; far from the noise of the city. From our hostel we could see the castle of Denia and the mountain Montgo that towers over the city of Denia. On saturday we went hiking through the canyons to the north of the town and ended up at a fantastic waterfall. Sunday we went to what was the first Catholic mass for many of us; Catholics don't do long services apparently. We were out in half an hour. Then some of us climbed the "horse's saddle", which are two mountains that overlook the entire valley and the dozen or so villages that are spread throughout it. It was more of a serious climb than Saturday; we had to climb through a crevice that went through the entire mountain and we also had to use climbing rope left there to get up a particularly steep part of the mountain. The view was worth it though. The whole area around Benimaurell is covered in terraces which have almond trees planted everywhere, and they only blossom for about a week, which is when we happened to be there. It was a good weekend to get away from it all. This wednesday we head out for Andalucia; we are going to La Alhambra and La Mezquita de Cordoba. It will be amazing for sure.

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