Monday, February 8, 2010


London is a big city. I traveled there with three other Calvin friends this last weekend. We had to take a train to Alicante from Denia, then in Alicante we took a bus to the airport, then we took a plane to Gatwick airport, a train to central London, and finally a cab to our hostel. The city itself is amazing; we walked all the way from Hyde Park to the London Bridge the second day. We did all of the essential London sightseeing: fish and chips, phone booths, double-decker buses, et cetera. The hostel was not the nicest place ever, and it seemed like everyone in the hostel had a keycard that opened our door...I really like the fact that people from all over the world coexist in London; we met people from Sweden, Zambia, South Africa, Italy, Austria, and even Chicago. The Austrian man gave us his card and said that since he traveled as a student in the US, he knew how nice it is to have a place to stay when passing through a country. I'm quite sure that we saw most of the major London landmarks: Big Ben, the Parliament Building, the London Tower, the Globe Theatre, the London Bridge, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgal Square, Hyde Park, the Soho District, Piccadilly Circus, the National Museum, Westminster Abbey, and more. What a busy weekend. This coming weekend most of our Calvin group is going to Pego, a city close to Denia, to celebrate Carnaval. Still on my list of things to do: climb Montgo next weekend if we have time. Some of the group already climbed it last weekend, but most of them want to go again because they enjoyed it so much.

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